Digital Archiving
Digital archiving is among the digital services used with the continuous development of the internet and technology. Our company offers advanced and professional experience in digital archiving.
Digital archiving is a repository of digital material that a company or individual wants to preserve for a longer period of time. Documents, videos, images, etc. It stores digital information collections in digital format to provide long-term access to information. A digital archive may be an elaborate collection with a multi-layered storage system or may reside on a hard drive. In this context, our company ensures that all customs transactions are stored with digital archiving logic. All documents in our customers' customs movements are scanned into the digital archive. In this context, our customers can obtain all historical documents from the date you switched to our system. With this extremely advantageous system, the possibility of losing files and documents is eliminated.
Why is Digital Archiving Important?
It is possible to list the importance of digital archiving in general as follows.
Storage media come and go with advances in technology. Do you remember floppy disks? Updating your digital archive is an important part of your digital archive policy. In this context, it is extremely important for our company to make the best use of storage space and to obtain the necessary documents and files.
It is a critical component during digital archiving. Without digital archiving, you will have difficulty finding the data you want when you try to retrieve it. At this point, digital archiving is everything you want to achieve. It offers you the information in the best way.
The digital archive has the ability to define what is appropriate.
The risk of information loss is minimized.
Originality of data and its integrity. is provided.
Access is provided securely.
Archiving has been an essential component for businesses and people for thousands of years. Libraries and museums exist to preserve archives and memories of our species and man's greatest achievements. Businesses have long kept archives for a variety of reasons, to remember one project or campaign after another.
Another benefit of digitizing our archives is that it makes information easier to find. You don't have to spend time going through boxes of old files hoping to find the right file quickly. More than one person can access the same information at the same time. If you have a large company or have multiple locations, it makes it easier for employees to access storage of data or libraries.
Since digital archives can be backed up, it is easier to prevent data loss. Loss of archives is a risk for both traditional and digital. With digital, creating backups that can also be stored in different locations is more cost-effective than creating paper copies and storing them in a different location.
Data and Information That Do Not Lose
Since our company uses digital archiving, all information and documents you provide to our company are protected in the best possible way. In this way, the possibility of losing your documents and information is extremely low.